Friday, October 20, 2017


A book available online, "The Hidden Secrets of the Alpha Course" by New Zealander John D. Christian exposes the insidious Illuminati Alpha Course as occult indoctrination posing as an introduction to Christianity.

"Alpha" is being used in over 150 countries encompassing 49 different languages. It has infiltrated the homes, schools, universities, business, hospitals, prisons, churches and even the military.

Since London is known to be the headquarters of the occult, it is not surprising that the Alpha originated there. 
In 1970 an English cleric, Charles Marnham, devised a four- week series of lessons for non-churchgoers and new Christians. In 1981, Nicky Gumbel, a former barrister of Holy Trinity Brompton, extended the course to 8 weeks.  This is how the fastest growing ecumenical evangelization program in world history began.

Alpha presents itself as a "new beginning" and its course structure became a tool for church growth and indoctrination. Videos and tapes, specially produced by the speakers are based on the book titled Questions of Life. This book sets out the structure and content of Alpha. 

Group sessions included weekly suppers and discussions, culminating in a "Holy Spirit Weekend Away." Hailed as a means to bring people to a personal salvation, the Alpha course does this without preaching the Gospel.

The Holy Spirit Weekend Away, which is mandatory, is actually a thinly disguised devil worship experience. Alpha's Questions of Life book, the basis of the whole course, is the structure used to pervert the Gospel.  In addition to the "Holy Spirit Weekend," the Alpha Course  uses mind-control encapsulated and propaganda to sway the innocents.

In just over 20 years, the Alpha system is growing like wildfire in Protestant and Catholic churches.  Marriage courses, Alpha in the Workplace, and 80 percent of all prisons and universities in the UK now run Alpha. There were 8,142 Alpha courses running in over 7,300 all denomination churches in the UK alone. The number of churches in the U.S. using Alpha is growing faster than any other country.

Growth is a very important factor in this system. 
It's not surprising therefore that our mega-churches such as Rick Warren's PURPOSE-DRIVEN Saddleback Church are involved. The true purpose behind the PURPOSE DRIVEN CHURCH AND LIFE is the establishment of a final One World Religion.  Key advisers from all over America gathered in London in 2003 to report on their plans to implement Alpha into the U.S. churches.

The congregation and friends of Holy Trinity Brompton financed the Alpha development, and resource courses were sold at a profit. 
Since the goal was to involve the whole world in their project, Alpha International was founded in 2001.  Capitol investment became worldwide, and was headed by a Jewish banker, Ken Costa, Chairman of Alpha Partners.

This banker just happened to be Vice Chairman of UBS -Warburg, London. UBS stands for Union Bank of Switzerland-Warburg. The banking firm of Walburg has long been linked to the giant international Marxist Rothschild banking conglomerate based in the City of London. Isn't it strange that Warburg would be running a Christian organization?

The book contains extensive information about the Illuminati bankers and their Satanic predilections.

Our Federal Reserve System had as its prime mover the late Mr Paul Warburg whose brother was involved with the international banking house of Kuhn, Loeb that included Jacob Schiff . The Schiff's are the oldest contemporary Jewish family dating back to 1370.  These men, besides implementing our Federal Reserve System, helped found the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland that is scheduled to become the World Bank. The huge Rockefeller Manhattan Bank united with the Chase Bank controlled by Kuhn, Loeb. Then the Rothchild/Warburg took over control of this bank.

Many are under the false impression that banking conglomerates J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller are American.  They are not. Rockefellers owned a small portion of their bank and J.P. Morgan was founded in London. "British" control of our banking system dates back to the original founding of the Virginia Company.

Books authored by the Warburgs contain communist propaganda. James Warburg was a member of Franklin Roosevelt's Brain Trust, masterminded Eisenhower's presidential campaign, and was chief financier of the United World Federalist World Government movement.

Communism is the end product of apostate Christendom-both Catholic and Protestant.
All "New Age" Bibles were produced by 2 English professors who were Communists and Christian Socialists.

Bibles promoted by the Alpha library are these:
The Bible for Today, The Contemporary English Version and the NIV. These are actually Communist versions based on corrupt text. Fabian Socialism is linked to a "Christian Socialist" organization. The "war on terrorism" is a classic British Fabian Socialist strategy. Inflict a series of "terrorist attacks" against a targeted population, use reaction from the attacks to justify the solution--i.e. to implement a police state over the region. Fabians acknowledge the principal tenet of Marxism, the abolition of private property.

On August 15th 1995, Russia and Boeing signed a contract to develop the first module of the new Alpha International Space Station. Massive sums of money by the U.S., Russia and the European Space Agency have been spent. Scheduled for completion in 2006, we are told the International Station is just "a scientific space laboratory."

Alpha MIRCAL lasers were being developed at White Sands Missile Base in 1985.  Some speculate that the Alpha MIRCAL lasers
could be used for mind control purposes in connection with the International Space Station.



Anonymous said...

我想問為什麼會用這麼多文章去談論 啟發..另外它還有什麼問題存在呢, 可以跟我分享嗎

Anonymous said...

近年來,「啟發課程」(Alpha Course)在世界各地發展得非常之快。香港眾教會也爭相舉辦。這個課程源自英國倫敦聖公會「聖三一普林頓教會」(Holy Trinity Brompton Church)。該會的牧師 Nicky Gumbel 和Sandy Millar 在1990 年開始這課程。以十週時間,用較為輕鬆的啟發性問題來訓練信徒認識基本信仰真理。一位牧師對筆者說,如果沒有「每次敘餐」,肯定這個課程失敗。根據神僕 Dave Hunt 的報導,這間「聖三一普林頓聖公會」後來變成歐洲靈恩派「聖潔大笑中心」,以「被聖靈擊倒」見著的教會。這教會為會眾預備的士,等在門口,一旦有人「喝醉了聖靈」,他們就免費用的士送他們回家。這課程又得到「多倫多機場葡萄園教會」的 John Armott 牧師支持。目前,這個「啟發課程」已經發展成為「全世界教會大合一運動」的主要推動力,不但有世界各地的聖公會、靈恩派教會、天主教教會等參加,在香港有多間浸信教會、播道會同福堂、多間禮賢會、般含道福音堂、多間崇真會、多間宣道會、多間中華基督教會、多間循道衛理聯合教會、多間長老會、路德會聖馬太堂、救世軍、以馬內利使徒會、多間神召會、基督教敬拜會、將軍澳基督教錫安堂、基督教惠荃堂荃灣堂、播道會康福堂、屯門靈糧堂、基督教主恩福音會……等。其中主要推介者有滕近輝牧師、以「楝篤笑」見著的林以諾牧師、灣仔中華基督教會麥漢勳牧師等。去年九月英國倫敦"Express and Star" 雜誌報導謂:「啟發課程」(Alpha Course)宣傳的數字,叫人感到困惑,因為一方面推動“Alpha Course”教會的平均聚會人數顯著地下降;另一方面他們又宣傳,參加過“Alpha Course”的人數,已經高達三百萬之眾。目前,在世界各地正在舉行的有三萬個“Alpha Course”課程。其中兩個在Black Country chapel 和Wolverhampton 市的一個酒巴舉行。若問:這些課程成功嗎?根據Wolverhampton 市四十歲的課程教師 Merry Hill 報告,謂:「無可置疑,這是我所認識的所有課程中,衝擊最大的課程,它改變了我的生命。」像這樣的見證,各地都有許多,其中包括性感的 Tory Jonathan Aitken 和前任職無上裝模特兒的Samantha Fox,他們都宣稱這個課程使他們與神更親近。可是,另一個黑暗面的報導指出,許多人批評這課程所傳授的,歪曲了的聖經真理;它又使大量信徒經歷歇斯底里。一些學員更報導,他們中間常有「突然倒地、全身發抖、像狗一樣吠叫,或不能控制地狂笑。」因此,有一些教牧指斥這課程是「邪教」。這種現象,在倫敦上流社會中也非常普遍,例如 Sir David Frost 就是這課程的一個熱心學員。他在一連串電視節目中,討論謂:「"Alpha Course” 真會改變人們的生命嗎?兩年前,National Secular Society 就發表了一份公開反對,非常忿怒地指摘這個課程為『一個拉人入教,藉廣告吹噓的宗教宣傳品。』」在Bradmore Arms 市舉行的有四十人參加,大部份崇拜都是在附近的天主教堂St Philip's Church舉行。這教堂自己也舉行過六次“Alpha Course”,教堂的神父Jeremy Oakley 見證這課程沒有甚麼不良的問題,只是見到學員們有點情緒表現.又說:「他們這樣經歷神的同在,是非常美好而快樂的;有一些人甚至在流淚中經歷神。」問題是,雖然數以百萬計的信徒參加這課程,他們的教會聚會人數還是急據下降。David W. Cloud又在去年三月報導謂:「根據“Alpha News”最近報導,這課程越來越與羅馬天主教緊密合作。教皇在去年六月向歐洲發表一篇文章謂:「我們要完全相信馬利亞,整個教會都在注視馬利亞。」教皇甚至為自己成立一個「Alpha 辦事處」。“Alpha Course”創辦人Nicky Gumbel 說:「基督教與天主教之間的不同點完全不重要;重要的是將我們合一的共同點。」

Anonymous said...

Robertson also endorsed the blatantly New Age Alpha Course, whose stated purpose is Ecumenism, the drawing together of both Protestants and Catholics, focusing only on "common ground". Its philosophy is New Age, leading directly to the One World Church. Listen:
"It promotes humanism, ecumenism, and Charismaticism (tongues-speaking, Toronto Blessing). Conversion is mentioned, but it is conversion to a Christian lifestyle, not conversion to Jesus Christ. This is spreading like wildfire among Catholics, Baptists, and others, so Christians should be warned; be wise, beware!" [Burns, op. cit, p. 519]
Other Evangelical leaders who have promoted the Alpha Course are: Chuck Colson, Bill Bright, Tony Campolo, (Catholic) Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore, Jack Hayford, Richard Foster, Bill Hybels, Luis Palau, David Yonggi Cho, Billy Graham, Paul Cedar, Robert Schuller, and Leighton Ford, Billy Graham's brother-in-law and former Vice President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. [Burns, op. cit., p. 526]
Can you see how all faiths of the world are gradually being drawn together to form the One World Church of Antichrist? These Evangelical leaders, many of whom are tied into Rev. Sun Moon, are leading their flocks directly into this Antichrist system!